Integrated Lights-Out Standard Features
Integrated Lights-Out Standard FeaturesIntegrated Lights-Out Standard Features
Integrated Lights-Out Standard Features
Virtual Text Remote
Virtual Text RemoteVirtual Text Remote
Virtual Text Remote
The standard Integrated Lights-Out provides embedded hardware remote console capabilities on a text
mode screen. The operating system-independent console supports text modes that display remote host
server activities, such as shutdown and startup operations.
Virtual Power Button
Virtual Power ButtonVirtual Power Button
Virtual Power Button
Using a supported browser, command line or script interface, Integrated Lights-Out can be used to
remotely operate the power button of a host. For example, if the host server is off, you can turn it on from
Integrated Lights-Out. You can also power off and on the server in one step. A "press and hold" option is
available for the Virtual Power Button in the event a momentary press is insufficient to power off a server
with a failed operating system.
Virtual Indicators
Virtual IndicatorsVirtual Indicators
Virtual Indicators
Integrated Lights-Out provides the ability to monitor and control the status of the Unit ID LED. The Unit ID
LED is the blue LED on the ProLiant server that is used for identifying systems in a rack full of servers.
Integrated Lights-Out allows you to view the status of the Unit ID LED and change the status using
Integrated Lights-Out Web pages.
Power Regulator for
Power Regulator forPower Regulator for
Power Regulator for
In iLO v 1.70 or later, the new Power Regulator for ProLiant can be enabled from any of the iLO
standard interfaces, browser, command line or script. Static Low Power Mode and Dynamic Power
Savings Mode can be enabled to save on server power and cooling costs. On supported ProLiant
servers, Power Regulator allows CPU's to operate at lower frequency and voltage during periods of
reduced application activity. (Visit the Power Regulator web site for supported server information.)
Dedicated or Shared LAN
Dedicated or Shared LANDedicated or Shared LAN
Dedicated or Shared LAN
Network Connectivity
Network ConnectivityNetwork Connectivity
Network Connectivity
Integrated Lights-Out provides a choice of network connectivity through a dedicated 10/100-Mbps
Ethernet network connection or through a shared connection via one of the embedded system NICs. The
dedicated network connection supports both graphic and text mode and provides in-band SNMP
notification of server problems on a real-time basis without separate telephone connections or modem
sharing devices. The NIC can auto-select speeds between 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps. The shared network
connection supports text based interaction with iLO such as command line, virtual serial port and text
console. Shared Network port is available on firmware versions1.60 or greater and ProLiant G4 servers.
Dial-up support
Dial-up supportDial-up support
Dial-up support
Integrated Lights-Out supports dial-up access when using a modem router or external Remote Access
Service (RAS) connection to log on to the network.
Virtual Private Network
Virtual Private NetworkVirtual Private Network
Virtual Private Network
(VPN) support
(VPN) support(VPN) support
(VPN) support
Integrated Lights-Out functionality is available around the world when used in conjunction with VPN
Browser Accessible
Browser AccessibleBrowser Accessible
Browser Accessible
Integrated Lights-Out is fully accessible by means of Microsoft® Internet Explorer 6.0, Netscape 7.2
(Linux clients only), and Mozilla Firefox 1.73 (Linux clients only). This capability allows easy access to the
features of Integrated Lights-Out, giving administrators full control over the remote host server's display,
keyboard, and mouse, regardless of the state of the host server or operating system.
HP Integrated Lights-Out
HP Integrated Lights-OutHP Integrated Lights-Out
HP Integrated Lights-Out
Standard Features
DA - 10861 North America — Version 21 — April 3, 2009
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