
Support Note for Red Hat Linux Advanced Workstation 2.1 Operating System on ItaniumĀ® 2-based Systems
Known Problems
Chapter 112
9. USB-to-PS2 adapter failures.
The A7782 USB-to-PS/2 adapter occasionally fails to connect at EFI when using system
firmware revisions 1.44 and earlier. The symptom is the following message, which
continues to print dots:
"USB Keyboard Not Responding, Searching for another:.........."
Use the power button to turn the system off and back on again to work around this
situation. To avoid the problem completely, connect a USB keyboard directly to the system
or update firmware to revision 1.61 or later.
10. Serial console options and recovery.
Serial console options you specify during image recovery with the enablement kit will not
be set when the system boots. The recovery image will default to the VGA console. Add
serial console options to the ELILO prompt when the system boots to change the default.
NOTE Serial console options appended to the ELILO prompt are automatically
added to the configuration file for "elilo" and invoked for all subsequent
boots. Therefore, once you enable the serial console, you must edit
/boot/efi/efi/redhat/elilo.conf or /boot/efi/redhat/elilo.conf
if you wish to remove this feature.
11. System is unbootable after adding new disks.
When you add new disks, the system may fail with one of the following messages:
"VFS root not found"
To fix the problem:
a. Remove any disks you've added since you last booted your system.
b. Invoke parted /dev/sdX where sdX is the disk where your root partition resides.
c. Use name command to assign "/" as a LABEL to the root file system. help name from
inside parted explains the syntax you should use, e.g. name 1 /
d. Manually verify root=LABEL=/ is in each image section of the
/boot/efi/efi/redhat/elilo.conf file.
==== sample elilo.conf for mounting root partition by label ====