Port-Based Virtual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP
Port-Based Virtual LANs (Static VLANs)
Creating a New Static VLAN
Changing the VLAN Context Level.
With this command, entering a new VID creates a new static VLAN. Entering
the VID or name of an existing static VLAN places you in the context level for
that VLAN.
Syntax: vlan <vlan-id> [name <name-str>] Creates a new static VLAN if a
VLAN with that VID does not
already exist, and places you in
that VLAN’s context level. If you
do not use the name option, the
switch uses “VLAN” and the new
VID to automatically name the
If the VLAN already exists, the
switch places you in the context
level for that VLAN.
vlan <vlan-name> Places you in the context level
for that static VLAN.
For example, to create a new static VLAN with a VID of 100:
Creating the new VLAN.
Showing the result.
Figure 11-16. Example of Creating a New Static VLAN
To go to a different VLAN context level, such as to the default VLAN:
HPswitch(vlan-100)# vlan default_vlank
HPswitch(vlan-1) _k