ServerNet Fabric Cross-Link Connections
A pair of small form-factor pluggable (SFPs) with standard LC-Duplex connectors are provided
to allow for the ServerNet fabric cross-link connection. Connections are made to ports 9 and 10
(labeled X1 and X2) on the c7000 enclosure ServerNet switch.
Interconnections Between c7000 Enclosures
A single c7000 enclosure can contain eight NonStop Server Blades. Two c7000 enclosures are
interconnected to create a 16 processor system. These interconnections are provided by two quad
optic ports — ports 1 and 2 (labeled GA and GB) located on the c7000 enclosure ServerNet
switches in the 5 and 7 interconnect bays. The GA port on the first c7000 enclosure is connected
to the GA port on the second c7000 enclosure (same fabric) and then likewise the GB port to the
GB port. These connections provide eight Servernet cross-links between the two sets of eight
NonStop processors and the ServerNet routers on the c7000 enclosure ServerNet switch.
I/O Connections (Standard and High I/O ServerNet Switch Configurations)
There are two types of c7000 enclosure ServerNet switches: Standard I/O and High I/O. Each
pair of ServerNet switches in a c7000 enclosure must be identical, either Standard I/O or High
I/O. However, you can mix ServerNet switches between enclosures.
The main difference between the Standard I/O or High I/O switches is the number and type of
quad optics modules that are installed for I/O connectivity.
The Standard I/O ServerNet switch has three quad optic modules: ports 3, 4, and 8 (labeled GC,
EA, and EE) for a total of 12 Servernet links as shown following:
Figure 4-1 ServerNet Switch Standard I/O Supported Connections
The High I/O ServerNet switch has six quad optic modules — ports 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 (labelled
GC, EA, EB, EC, and ED) for a total of 24 Servernet links as shown following. If both c7000
enclosures in a 16 processor system contain High I/O ServerNet switches, there are a total of 48
ServerNet connections for I/O.
ServerNet Fabric and Supported Connections 55