Refer to the
HP BladeSystem O nboard Administrator user guide
for additional information on EBIPA.
Using exter nal DHCP
To set the Ethernet IP address using external DHCP:
1. Connect to the active OA with a web browser.
2. Document the DHCP-assigned address by selecting the switch from the OA GUI Rack Overview
window .
3. Verify the IP address using a Telnet or SSH login to the switch, or select the switch in the OA GUI
Rack Overview window.
Setting the IP address manually
To set the IP address manually:
As an alternate method to using a null modem cable, use Telnet or SSH to access the IP address of the
Onboard Administrator, resuming at step 9 below.
1. Obtain the following items to set the IP address with a serial connection:
• Computer w
ith a terminal application (such as HyperTerminal in a Windows environment
or TERM in a UNIX environment)
• Null modem serial cable
2. Replace th
e default IP address (if present) and related information with the information provided
by your network administrator. By default, the IP address is set to for switches with
revision levels earlier than 0C.
3. Verify th
at the enclosure is powered on.
4. Identify the active OA in the BladeSystem.
5. Connect a null modem serial cable from your c omputer to the serial port of the active OA.
6. Configur
e the terminal application as follows:
In a Windows environment, enter:
• Flow control—None
In a UNIX environment, enter: tip /dev/ttyb –9600
7. Lo g in t
8. Press Enter to display the switch console.