JPetStore was used as the test application deployed on the Tomcat Application server. This
section provides a detailed description of the test scenario for JPetStore and, how to run Apache
JMeter against the test application. The benchmark data includes the number of requests the
Tomcat Application server can process per second and the average response time for all requests
on each ProLiant Blade server.
JMeter Installation and Configuration
Apache JMeter is an open source Java desktop application. It is designed to load test functional
behavior and can be used to measure performance on static and dynamic resources like Servlets,
Perl scripts, Java Objects, and so on. It can be used to simulate a heavy load on a Tomcat server
to test its capabilities, and can also make a graphical analysis of performance under concurrent
load. JMeter version 2.3.1 is used in the following tests. For more information, visit the JMeter
site located at:
The steps for installing and configuring JMeter are as follows:
1. Verify the computing environment meets the JMeter test requirements.
JMeter requires a fully compliant JVM 1.4 or later. JMeter Version 2.2 and later no longer
support Java 1.3. Make sure you have the correct version of JRE/JDK installed and set the
JAVA_HOME environment variable.
2. Download the latest JMeter version from the website and unzip the file to the directory
where you want to install JMeter.
3. To run JMeter in GUI mode, run the jmeter file in the JMETER_HOME/bin/ directory.
NOTE: You can edit the JMETER_HOME/bin/jmeter file to modify the JMeter parameters
or Java Virtual Machine (VM) options. For example, to create the memory consumed by
JMeter from the default 256MB to 3GB, you can set the following line in the JMeter file:
HEAP="-Xms3g -Xmx3g -Xmn1g"
For more detailed information, see the JMeter documentation located at:
JPetStore Installation and Configuration
JPetStore is a sample application based on the Struts and iBATIS framework. It is a completely
rewritten Pet Store application based on Sun’s original J2EE Pet Store. For more information on
iBATIS and JPetStore, see:
JPetStore can be deployed in Tomcat and other Java web servers. It supports MySQL, PostgreSQL
and other databases. In this document, MySQL is used as the database for JPetStore. Figure 8
displays the architecture of the test environment.
Application Scenario Benchmark 19