Advanced Configuration and Management Guide
The server real command in this example configures the HP 6308M-SX to send an HTTP health check to the
HTTP port on IP address When you press Enter after this command, the CLI changes to the
Real Server level of the CLI. This level allows you to configure health check parameters for the HTTP port on the
IP address.
The port http keepalive command in this example is entered at the Real Server level and enables the HTTP
health check. The health check is disabled by default, so you must enter this command. You can enter additional
commands at this level to modify the health check parameters. These commands are shown in the examples for
9308M R2 and 6308M-SX R3.
The ip address command adds an IP interface for the connection to the IP address. This interface must be in the
same sub-net as the IP address.
The ip dont_advertise command configures the routing switch to block advertisement of the network route for this
IP sub-net address. This command ensures that the routing switch advertises only the host route to the IP
address. If the routing switch advertises the network route to the sub-net containing the IP address, then even if
the routing switch removes the host route from its routing table, the routing switch will still advertise the network
route to the IP address (and thus to the web server), defeating the failover capability of globally-distributed SLB.
CLI Commands for 9308M R2
The following commands configure 9308M R2 for the configuration shown in Figure 2.
HP9300-R2(config) server real S2
HP9300-R2(config-rs-S2) port http keepalive
HP9300-R2(config-rs-S2) port http url "/sales.html"
HP9300-R2(config-rs-S2) port http status_code 200 199
HP9300-R2(config-rs-S2) interface ethernet 1/3
HP9300-R2(config-if-1/3) ip address
HP9300-R2(config-if-1/3) ip dont_advertise
HP9300-R2(config-if-1/3) write memory
Syntax: port http url “[GET | HEAD] [/]<URL-page-name>”
Syntax: port http status_code <range> [<range> [<range> [<range>]]]
The port http url command changes the URL that the routing switch sends as part of the health check. By
default, the routing switch sends an HTTP HEAD request for the default page (“1.0”). If you enter a URL, the
health check instead requests that URL. The slash ( / ) is an optional parameter. If you do not set the GET or
HEAD parameter, and the slash is not in the configured URL page, then the routing switch automatically inserts a
slash before retrieving the URL page.
In addition to specifying another URL, you can change the method to GET. Changing the method does not affect
the health check from the routing switch‘s standpoint. You can use either method.
The port http status_code command in this example changes the range of HTTP status codes the routing switch
accepts as normal (healthy) replies to a health check.
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