Verification and Calibration - B
Performing the Calibration Procedure
NOTE: The calibration procedure can only be performed using the SCPI language
commands. Use either the front panel Address key to access the LANG
command, or use the SYSTem:LANGuage command to change the programming
language to SCPI.
Table B-1 lists the equipment required for calibration. Figure B-1 shows the test setup.
You do not have to do a complete calibration each time. If appropriate, you may calibrate only the
voltage or current and proceed to "Saving the Calibration Constants". However, the voltage or
current calibration sequence must be performed in its entirety. The following parameters may be
♦ voltage programming and measurement
♦ overvoltage protection (OVP)
♦ current programming and measurement
♦ negative current programming
♦ low range measurement
♦ ac current measurement
Front Panel Calibration Menu
The Entry keypad is used for calibration functions.
Press this key to access the calibration menu.
Display Command Function
CAL ON <value> Turns calibration mode on when the correct password
value is entered.
CAL OFF Turns calibration mode off
CAL:LEV <char> Advance to next step in sequence (P1 or P2).
CAL:DATA <value> Enter an external calibration measurement.
CAL:VOLT Begin voltage calibration sequence
CAL:VOLT:PROT Begin voltage protection calibration
CAL:CURR Begin high range current calibration sequence
CAL:CURR:NEG Begin negative current calibration sequence
CAL:CURR:MEAS:LOW Begin low range current measurement calibration
CAL:CURR:MEAS:AC Begin ac current calibration sequence
CAL:SAVE Saves the calibration constants in non-volatile memory.
CAL:PASS <value> Set new calibration password.
value = a numeric value
char = a character string parameter
Use and to scroll through the menu commands.
Use and to scroll through the menu parameters.
Use and to select a digit in a numeric entry field.