access time 3-5, A-2, A-3, A-4
adding graphics to inserts 7-6
application software
installing 1-8–1-12
uninstalling 1-12
arranging track titles 7-7
assigning drive letter 3-6
audio cable
connecting 1-7
disconnecting 1-14
Audio CD Layout window 6-4
audio CDs
CD-RW in car CD player 4-3
track-at-once mode 8-1
audio connector 1-7
audio distortion 3-3, A-4
audio tracks 6-2
combined with wave files 6-7
pre-recording to wave files 6-6
recording 6-3
automatically copying files 9-3
Simple Trax wizard 9-5
bi-directional parallel port 3-5, A-2, A-3
buffer size A-4
buffer underrun 3-4–3-5
audio 1-7, 1-14
data 1-6, 1-14
power 1-2
printer 1-5, 1-14
capacity, CD A-4
CD Copier
changing temp directory location 8-4
disc copy option 8-4
selecting destination drive 8-3
selecting source drive 8-3
starting 8-2
test options 8-3
types of CDs that can be copied 8-1
CD layout
about 6-3
changing song order 6-8
modifying 6-8
opening 6-9
removing songs 6-8
renaming songs 6-8
saving 6-9
CD-DA 6-1
sharing 4-3
using 4-3
CD-R sharing
created with DirectCD 4-3
created with Easy-CD Creator 4-4
CD-ROM drive
changing drive letter 3-6
cleaning CDs 2-4
identifying B-3
identifying drive letter 2-4
MultiRead 4-2
problem reading CDs 3-5
SCSI 2 3-3
using CD-RW 4-2
CD-ROM drives
recording audio 6-4
audio CDs 4-3
sharing 4-2