Levels: 1,2. The level 1 keyboard test checks that the keyboard responds appropriately to
commands sent from the CPU. The level 2 keyboard test also checks that each key functions
properly. The level 2 test passes when each key has been pressed or aborts if the <Space> or
<Esc> key is pressed three times in a row. The special keys that do not generate key codes (
<Fn>, <Contrast-Up>, and <Contrast-down> ) are tested after the other keys have been tested.
Press the key when prompted to complete the keyboard test. The display shown during the main
test mirrors the layout of the OmniBook keyboard.
Figure 10 - Keyboard Test Screen
HP mouse
Levels: 1,2. The HP mouse consists of a pop-up device with two mouse buttons. A sliding bar
holds this to the computer. Internal sensors detect when the mouse is against a top, bottom,
inner or outer edge. The output from the mouse is scaled so that moving the mouse from top to
bottom or left to right will match the physical dimensions of the display.
The level 1 checks that the mouse responds properly to reset and related commands. The level
2 test lets you operate the mouse and check for button, bumper, and motion activity in both
graphical or textual ways. The mouse test can be set to run in any of four modes selected using
the <Ctrl+T> key to toggle from mode to mode. The first and default mode presents the mouse
test screen used for testing general mouse movement, bumper, and button functionality. The
second mode is designed for measuring the “sine” mouse characteristics. The third mode runs
both the first and second modes. The fourth mode lets the operator draw on the screen similar
to how Paintbrush operates to test for button use and motion continuity. Each test is described
separately below.
Text mode mouse test
This is the default mouse test. The upper right corner of the screen shows the HP mouse, drawn
with line characters. In and around the mouse are names for mouse events. Initially, all events
are blinking to indicate that they have not been tested. When an event is active, it is displayed
in red text on a green background. After an event becomes inactive, it is displayed in green on a
black background.
The mouse is first tested in “I/O” mode: bumpers are observable as switches and do not cause
the mouse position to change (as is the normal case). After all switches have been operated and
the mouse moved in all directions, press a key to conclude the I/O mode test and begin the PS2
mode test. In the PS2 mode, the bumpers are no longer detectable switches but rather cause
Last Three Scan codes:
EC F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F0 F1 F2 PS NL PA
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = BS HO
TB Q W E U T Y U I O P [ ] \ EN
CL A S D F G H H K L ; ‘ RT PU
SH Z X C V B N M , . / SH UP PD
>> Press SPACE Or ESC Three (3) Times To Exit. <<