Level: 2. This test checks the SoundBlaster compatible audio sound system. The DSP chip,
DMA Channel, and Interrupt Lines are checked for proper operation. An audible sound test
completes the test; a bong sound alternating between left and right speakers should be heard.
Levels: 1,2,3. This test checks multiple display subsystems. When manual testing is done, the
display pixels are first tested with 7 operator-paced test patterns: one each for white, red, green,
blue, and black; then a vertical stripe pattern followed by a random display pattern. Press Enter
or Contrast Up to pass, Esc or Contrast Down to fail, until the automated test begins. The
automated display test first tests video memory by flipping to all video modes supported while
writing / reading the video buffer with the 18 test patterns. Lastly, the VGA controller registers
and VGA color-DAC registers are tested for proper operation.
Docked device
Levels: 1,2. The dock port can be left unconnected, connected to a SCSI tower via SCSI cable
or connected to a dock. The level 1 test simply reports what is connected. If a specific device
has been specified with the <Alt+D> command, then the test will report an error if anything other
than that which what was specified is found. If a dock is connected and level 2 is selected, then
the dock LED’s and latch are tested by blinking the selected LED and locking/unlocking.
Respond ‘Y’ or ‘N’ as prompted to pass or fail each test depending on the observed performance.
Levels: 1,2. This test checks a SCSI CD ROM using the MSCDEX API. Instead of a clean boot,
drivers must be loaded in CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT. The following are a minimum
driver set to enable SCSI CD’s as well as SCSI hard disks. Note: the directories listed below are
the default.
devicehigh=c:\scsi\aspi8xx.sys /v
devicehigh=c:\scsi\symcd.sys /d:aspicd0
c:\windows\command\mscdex /d:aspicd0 /m:12 /l:H
The level 1 test does a quick random scan of the CD. The level 2 test does a linear scan,
random scan, and a funnel scan of the CD to test for proper operation.
SCSI Hard disk
Levels: 1,2,3. This test operates similarly to the hard disk test. If multiple SCSI hard disks are
present, only the first disk is tested. Load the SCSI hard disk drivers in CONFIG.SYS and
AUTOEXEC.BAT before running this test.
Dock slots
This test is unimplemented at this time.