50 Chapter1
Using Your Personal Workstation
Connecting SCSI Accessories
Connecting SE SCSI Accessories
The intended use for the internal Wide SE SCSI and Narrow SE SCSI
connectors is to connect internal Wide and Narrow single-ended SCSI
devices to your Personal Workstation.
An internal Wide or Narrow single-ended SCSI device can be connected
as follows:
1. Assign an unused SCSI address to the accessory. SCSI addresses
range from 0 to 15 for wide 16-bit SCSI devices and 0 to 8 for narrow
8-bit SCSI devices. The SCSI address 0 is reserved for the first SCSI
hard disk drive and SCSI address 7 is reserved for the SCSI
controller (the default for narrow and wide SCSI devices).
Refer to the manual provided with the SCSI accessory for
instructions on selecting a SCSI address.
2. Connect the SCSI accessory to your Personal Workstation’s internal
68-pin wide SE SCSI connector or 50-pin narrow SE SCSI connector
with the SCSI cable you purchased.
3. Refer to the manual that was provided with you SCSI accessory to
learn how to install any software that may be necessary for using it.