HP NetServer Installation Guide 41
Install MSCS on System B
While you have been configuring System A, System B has been idling at the Restart dialog.
1. Click Restart to reboot System B to Windows NT.
2. Insert the Component CD of Microsoft Windows NT Server (Enterprise Edition) in the CD-ROM drive
of System B.
3. Run the Microsoft Cluster Server setup program.
Setup.exe is located in the following folder on the Component CD: \
4. Setup examines your system and displays a dialog that lists a number of install options including Join
an existing cluster.
5. Choose Join an existing cluster and click Next.
6. Identify the cluster using the same name you used when you formed the cluster at System B.
Setup validates your entry by prompting you for the cluster domain account password.
7. Type the password.
Setup prompts you to complete the installation upon entry of a valid password.
8. Click Finish.
You have now installed and configured all necessary software and hardware components to create a
Microsoft Cluster Server.
9. Reboot System B.
Install Service Pack or Hot Fix
After installing MSCS software your must either reinstall SP4 or if you installed SP 3, install the Hot Fix at
this time.
Install Hot Fix
Install the Hot Fix (clusfixi.exe):
1. If you have not already downloaded clusfixi.exe, see "Software" in part "1 What’s Needed."
2. Install the Microsoft hotfix clusfixi.exe on System A and System B.
NOTE When downloading the file, refer to the Microsoft readme file for instructions on
installing the hotfix.