Glossary–34 edge switch 2/16 service manual
Megabytes per second.
media access control address
MAC address. Hardware address of a node (device) connected to a network.
MB. A unit of measure for data storage, equal to 1,048,576 bytes. Generally approximated as
one million bytes.
A device or storage system capable of storing and retrieving data.
A list of items displayed on a monitor from which a user can make a selection.
menu bar
The menu bar is located across the top of a monitor window. Pull-down menus are displayed
by clicking on the menu bar option with the mouse, or by pressing Alt with the underlined
letter of the name for the menu bar option (D).
See management information base.
The writing of data to pairs of drives in an array, creating two exact copies of the drive
contents. This procedure provides a backup of data in case of a failure.
Modem is an abbreviation for modulator/demodulator. A communication device that converts
digital computer data to signals and signals to computer data. These signals can be received or
transmitted by the modem via a phone line or other method of telecommunication.
A simultaneous presentation of data in more than one form, such as by means of both visual
and audio.
multimode optical fiber
A graded-index or step-index optical fiber that allows more than one mode (light path) to
propagate. Contrast with singlemode optical fiber.
A device that allows two or more signals to be transmitted simultaneously on a single channel.