This product contains 0% post consumer recycled plastic (by wt.)
This product is greater than 95% recycle-able when properly disposed of at
end of life.
Packaging Materials
Corrugated Carton 485 g
Corrugated 190 g
Polyethylene low density 38 g
The Corrugated Carton packaging material is made from 80%
recycled content.
The Corrugated packaging material is made from 100% recycled
The Polyethylene low density packaging material is made from100%
recycled content.
HP follows these guidelines to decrease the environmental impact of product
Eliminate the use of heavy metals such as lead, chromium, mercury
and cadmium in packaging materials.
Eliminate the use of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) in packaging
Design packaging materials for ease of disassembly.
Maximize the use of post-consumer recycled content materials in
packaging materials.
Use readily recyclable packaging materials such as paper and
corrugated materials.
Reduce size and weight of packages to improve transportation fuel
Plastic packaging materials are marked according to ISO 11469 and
DIN 6120 standards.
HP ProBook 4425s Notebook PC and HP ProBook 4525s Notebook PC
HP ProBook 4425s Notebook PC and HP ProBook 4525s Notebook PCHP ProBook 4425s Notebook PC and HP ProBook 4525s Notebook PC
HP ProBook 4425s Notebook PC and HP ProBook 4525s Notebook PC
Material Usage
Material UsageMaterial Usage
Material Usage
This product does not contain any of the following substances in excess of
regulatory limits (for reference of these limits please refer to the HP General
Specification of the Environment
Certain Azo Colorants
Certain Brominated Flame Retardants - may not be used as flame
retardants in plastics
Chlorinated Hydrocarbons
Chlorinated Paraffins
Halogenated Diphenyl Methanes
Lead carbonates and sulfates
HP ProBook 4425s Notebook PC
HP ProBook 4425s Notebook PCHP ProBook 4425s Notebook PC
HP ProBook 4425s Notebook PC
HP ProBook 4525s Notebook PC
HP ProBook 4525s Notebook PCHP ProBook 4525s Notebook PC
HP ProBook 4525s Notebook PC
Technical Specifications
DA - 13610 Worldwide — Version 8 — September 14, 2010
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