
182 Command Line Interface
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Displays switch operational information. Table 54 describes the switch operational parameters.
Table 54 Switch operational parameters
Parameter Description
SymbolicName Descriptive name for the switch
SwitchWWN Switch World Wide Name
SwitchType Switch model
BootVersion PROM boot version
CreditPool Number of port buffer credits available to recipient ports
DomainID Switch domain ID
FirstPortAddress FC address of switch port 0
FlashSize - MBytes Size of the flash memory in megabytes
LogLevel Event severity level used to record events in the event log
MaxPorts Number of ports available on the switch
NumberOfResets Number of times the switch has been reset over its service life
ReasonForLastReset Action that caused the last reset
ActiveImageVersion —
build date
Active firmware image version and build date
PendingImageVersion —
build date
Firmware image version and build date that is pending. This image will
become active at the next reset or power cycle.
ActiveConfiguration Name of the switch configuration that is in use
AdminState Switch administrative state
AdminModeActive Admin session status
BeaconOnStatus Beacon status as set by the Set Beacon command
OperationalState Switch operational state
PrincipalSwitchRole Principal switch status. True indicates that this switch is the principal
BoardTemp (1) —
Degrees Celsius
Internal switch temperature at circuit board sensor 1
SwitchDiagnosticsStatus Results of the POST
SwitchTemperatureStatus Switch temperature status: normal, warning, failure