4. Double-click the file that has an .exe extension (for example, filename.exe).
The BIOS installation begins.
5. Complete the installation by following the on-screen instructions.
NOTE: After a message on the screen reports a successful installation, you can delete the
downloaded file from your hard drive.
Using System Diagnostics
System Diagnostics allows you to run diagnostic tests to determine if the computer hardware is
functioning properly.
To start System Diagnostics:
1. Turn on or restart the computer, quickly press esc, and then press f2.
2. Click the diagnostic test you want to run, and then follow the on-screen instructions.
NOTE: If you need to stop a diagnostic test while it is running, press esc.
Ubuntu Linux – Setup Utility (BIOS) and AdvancedSystem
Using Setup Utility
Setup Utility, or Basic Input/Output System (BIOS), controls communication between all the input and
output devices on the system (such as disk drives, display, keyboard, mouse, and printer). Setup
Utility includes settings for the types of peripherals installed, the startup sequence of the computer,
and the amount of system and extended memory.
NOTE: Use extreme care when making changes in Setup Utility. Errors can prevent the computer
from operating properly.
Starting Setup Utility
Turn on or restart the computer. While the “Press the ESC key for Startup Menu” message is
displayed in the lower-left corner of the screen, press esc. When the Startup Menu is displayed,
press f10.
Changing the language of Setup Utility
1. Start Setup Utility.
2. Use the arrow keys to select System Configuration > Language, and then press enter.
3. Use the arrow keys to select a language, and then press enter.
4. When a confirmation prompt with your language selected is displayed, press enter.
5. To save your change and exit Setup Utility, use the arrow keys to select Exit > Exit Saving
Changes, and then press enter.
Your change takes effect immediately.
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