Appliance, library and share replication fan in/out
Each D2D model has a different level of support for the number of other D2D appliances that can be involved in
replication mappings with it, and also the number of libraries that may replicate into a single library on the
device as follows:
The maximum number of target appliances that a source appliance can be
paired with
The maximum number of source appliances that a target appliance can be
paired with
The maximum number of source libraries that may replicate into a single target
library on this type of appliance.
The maximum number of target libraries that may be replicated into from a
single source library on this type of appliance
The maximum number of source NAS Shares that may replicate into a single
target NAS Share on this type of appliance
The maximum number of target NAS Shares that may be replicated into from a
single source NAS Share on this type of appliance
It is important to note that when utilizing a VTL replication Fan-in model (where multiple source libraries are
replicated to a single target library), the deduplication ratio may be better than is achieved by each individual
source library due to the deduplication across all of the data in the single target library. However, over a large
period of time the performance of this solution will be slower than configuring individual target libraries because
the deduplication stores will be larger and therefore require more processing for each new replication job.