Recommended HP Care Pack Services for optimal satisfaction with your HP product
Recommended HP Care Pack Services for optimal satisfaction with your HP productRecommended HP Care Pack Services for optimal satisfaction with your HP product
Recommended HP Care Pack Services for optimal satisfaction with your HP product
Recommended Services
Recommended ServicesRecommended Services
Recommended Services
3-Year HP Hardware Support Onsite Service, 4-hour response, 13x5
3-Year HP Hardware Support Onsite Service, 4-hour response, 13x53-Year HP Hardware Support Onsite Service, 4-hour response, 13x5
3-Year HP Hardware Support Onsite Service, 4-hour response, 13x5
Delivers increased equipment availability and productivity with rapid remote support and onsite response
for your HP server and storage hardware.
The benefits include:
Help improve or maintain system uptime
Convenient onsite support
Committed response time
3-Year HP Hardware Support Onsite Service, Next-day response (9x5)
3-Year HP Hardware Support Onsite Service, Next-day response (9x5)3-Year HP Hardware Support Onsite Service, Next-day response (9x5)
3-Year HP Hardware Support Onsite Service, Next-day response (9x5)
Provides high-quality remote assistance and onsite support for your covered hardware, helping you to
improve product uptime.
The benefits include:
Help improve or maintain system uptime
Convenient onsite support
Reliable response time
HP ProLiant Server Hardware Installation
HP ProLiant Server Hardware InstallationHP ProLiant Server Hardware Installation
HP ProLiant Server Hardware Installation
Provides for the basic hardware installation of HP branded servers, storage devices and networking
options to assist you in bringing your new hardware into operation in a timely and professional manner.
Expedited installation, with all service prerequisites met before the installation is performed
Installation in accordance with manufacturer's specifications, enhancing the supportability of your
HP-installed hardware and software
Service delivery at a mutually scheduled time
Allows your IT resources to stay focused on their core tasks and priorities
Availability of an HP service specialist to answer questions during the onsite delivery of this service
HP ProLiant MicroServer
HP ProLiant MicroServerHP ProLiant MicroServer
HP ProLiant MicroServer
Service and Support
DA - 13716 Worldwide — Version 10 — March 23, 2011
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