
Once you have saved your dipole array into REG1 (or 2,3,4) calculate the Aperture array and save the results
into REG2. Now use the calculator to multiply REG1 x REG2. The result is the entire link gain normalized to
the Rx antenna gain.
Save the results into a REG3. Now choose a receive antenna. You could go back into the dipole section and
calculate another dipole for Rx.
Save these results into REG4. Multiply REG4 X REG3. This gives the entire path gain over Tx rotation and
********—THE Rx Aperture— If the Rx antenna is isotropic (GRx=1) then the “Calculate Rx Aperture” is
the receive power for two isotropic radiators (one Tx and one Rx) at distance R. It is as the figure
above except that each dipole is replaced with an ideal infinitesimal isotropic antenna where the Tx
radiator is fed with the PTx power (converted to linear)
********—ABOUT PHASE— The phase angle for the dipole is in absolute degrees. This makes it easy to
calculate group delay
Using the Dipole and Isotropic Link Calculator Contd.
Chapter 4 - Using the Data Processing Feature Data Processing Feature