Getting Started with ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite 3-17
Using ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite Peripherals
reg_update_complete = true;
/* signal that this transfer has completed */
/* ..get address of this buffer descriptor */
pdesc = (ADI_DEV_1D_BUFFER*)pArg;
/* ..extract address of flag and set it */
pflag = (volatile bool*)pdesc->CallbackParameter;
*pflag = true;
printf(“Unexpected audio device callback. “
“Event code: 0x%08X\n”,Event);
/* return */
Example 4: Running
It has taken a lot more effort to describe how to use a typical device driver
than it does to actually use it! To observe the device driver in action, open
and build the Example_4.dpj project located in
<install_path>\Blackfin\Examples\ADSP-BF548 EZ-Kit Lite\Getting
Started Examples\Example_4
. On the EZ-KIT Lite, plug a pair of head-
phones or powered speakers into the audio socket labelled LINE OUT (it is
the single-tier socket beside the two double-tier sockets) and press F5 to
run the project. You will hear the phrase “An orange-colored sky” spoken
five times with a short pause between repetitions.