
CDMA: +24dBm (+/- 1dBm)
Maximum Power
LTE: 1,200 mA (peak); <900 mA (average)
WCDMA: 1,100 mA (peak); <800 mA (average)
EGPRS: 2,500 mA (peak); <700 mA (average)
Power Consumption,
Sleep Mode
2 mA
Power Management
USB selective suspend, Integrated notebook wireless button
Antenna Type
Dual high efficiency multi-band antennae with spatial diversity
Form Factor
M.2, 3042-S3 Key B
6 g
(Length x
Width x Thickness)
42 mm × 30 mm × 2.3 mm
Voltage, Operating
3.135 V to 4.4 V (3.3 V +1.1V/-0.165V)
Temperature, operating
(from TIA/EIA/IS-98-D)
-13° to 140° F (-25° to 60° C)
Temperature, non-
operating, 96 hours
MIL-STD 202 Method 108)
-40° to 185° F (-40° to 85° C)
Humidity, Non-operating
95% relative humidity for 48 hours @ 185° F (85° C) (non-condensing)
LED Activity
LED Off - Radio Off; Solid LED On - Radio On
1900 MHz (Band II) and 850 MHz (Band V) not supported at launch but support planned in a future
firmware update.
* 4G LTE not available on all products, in all regions and only available on products featuring Intel
processors. WWAN use requires separately purchased service contract. Check with service provider for
coverage and availability in your area. Connection speeds will vary due to location, environment, network
conditions, and other factors.
HP lt4112 LTE/HSPA+
Gobi 4G Module
LTE FDD all bands with diversity: 2100 MHz (Band I), 1900 MHz (Band II), 1800
MHz (Band III), 850 MHz (Band V), 2600 MHz (Band VII), 900 MHz (Band VIII),
800 MHz (Band XX, DD800)
WCDMA/HSDPA/HSUPA/HSPA+ all bands with diversity: 2100 MHz (Band I),
1900 MHz (Band II), 800 MHz (Band V), 900 MHz (Band VIII)
GSM/GPRS/EDGE: 1900 MHz (Band II), 1800 MHz (Band III), 850 MHz (Band V),
900 MHz (Band VIII)
Wireless Protocol
3GPP Release 8 LTE Specification
WCDMA R99, 3GPP Release 5, 6 and 7 UMTS Specification
Wireless Parametric
Complies with 3GPP specifications Release 8 for LTE
Maximum Data Rates
LTE (Category 3): 100 Mbps (Download), 50Mbps (Upload)
DC-HSPA+: 42 Mbps (Download), 5.76 Mbps (Upload)
HSPA+: 21.6 Mbps (Download), 5.76 Mbps (Upload)
EDGE: 236.8 kbps (Download), 236.8 kbps (Upload)
GPRS: 85.6 kbps(Download), 85.6 kbps (Upload)
HP EliteBook 820 G1 Notebook PC
HP EliteBook 840 G1 Notebook PC
HP EliteBook 850 G1 Notebook PC
Technical Specifications
DA - 14687 Worldwide — Version 1 — October 1, 2013
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