FM5 Operator’s Manual Transport - 33
Inspect Trailer
• Check hitch for wear and cracks. Lubricate if needed.
• Check battery for 12V charge.
• Inspect lights for cleanliness and correct operation. Inspect reflectors and replace if needed.
• Check tire pressure. Check lug nut torque with a torque wrench. Adjust if needed.
• Ensure trailer brakes are adjusted to come on in synchronization with tow vehicle brakes.
• Check ramps (if equipped) and trailer bed for cracks.
Hitch Trailer
1. Back tow vehicle to trailer.
2. Put manual transmission into first or reverse gear or automatic transmission into park. Turn off ignition.
Set parking brake.
3. Connect trailer drawbar, lunette or coupler to tow vehicle hitch and lock in place with lock pin. If
needed, adjust drawbar, lunette or coupler height to level load.
4. Connect safety chains to tow vehicle.
5. Connect breakaway switch cable to tow vehicle. Do not connect to pintle hook or hitch ball.
6. Plug trailer electrical connector into tow vehicle connector.
7. Use jack crank to raise jack base and stow.
8. Remove wheel blocks.
Crushing weight. If load falls or moves it could kill or crush you. Use
proper procedures and equipment or stay away.