AC adapter, spare part
number 24
administrator password 73
removal 70
spare part number 21, 64
antennas 15
applications key, Windows 7
audio, product description 2
audio-in (microphone) jack 12
audio-out (headphone) jack 12
audio-in jack
pin assignments 107
audio-out jack
pin assignments 108
Backup and Restore Center 101
base enclosure, spare part
number 20
removal 36
spare part number 20, 36
battery bay, identifying 14
battery light 9
battery release latches 14
bay, battery 14
boot options 73
boot order 73
left TouchPad 5
right TouchPad 5
cables, service considerations 29
caps lock light, identifying 6
changing the Setup Utility
language 71
chipset, product description 1
compartments, memory
module 14
bottom 14
display 13
front 9
left-side 12
right-side 11
TouchPad 5
service considerations 29
device feet
locations 35
spare part number 35
device specifications 75
Diagnostics menu 74
Digital Media Slot, identifying 11
Driver Recovery 106
Operating System 106
diskette drive
precautions 30
product description 2
display assembly
removal 64
spare part number 17, 64
display bezel
illustrated 21, 64
removal 66
spare part number 21, 64
Display Cable Kit, spare part
number 21, 64
display component recycling 114
display enclosure
illustrated 22, 64
spare part number 22, 64
Display Hinge Kit, spare part
number 21, 64
display hinge, removal 68
display panel
illustrated 21, 64
removal 67
spare part number 21, 64
Display Screw Kit, spare part
number 22, 64
display specifications 76
display switch, identifying 13
displaying system information 72
drive light, identifying 9
Driver Recovery disc 106
preventing damage 30
drives, boot order 73
earbuds 12
electrostatic discharge 31
Ethernet, product description 2
exiting the Setup Utility 72
external media cards, product
description 3
external monitor port
pin assignments 109
external monitor port,
identifying 11
f11 recovery 104
removal 57
spare part number 19, 57
locations 35
spare part number 35
flash storage drive, product
description 2
fn key 7, 8
function keys 7, 8
120 Index