Arbitrary Source Description
An arbitrary source can be included with the HP E1433A 8-Channel 196
kSa/sec Digitizer plus DSP as Option 1D4. (It cannot be installed with a
Tachometer, Option AYF.) The Arbitrary Source Option can supply
arbitrary or sine signals under control of measurement software.
The Arbitrary Source can be used to trigger the measurement and to trigger
other modules in the measurement system.
Arbitrary Output
The Arbitrary Source can be programmed to output any signal that is
described by data downloaded by the software.
Source Output Modes
The Arbitrary Source has several output modes including the following:
q arbitrary
q sine
q noise
q random
q burst
COLA (and Summer)
The COLA (Constant Output Level Amplifier) output supplies a signal
similar to the Source “Out” output except that it is at a constant output
level of about one volt peak.
The same connector (labeled “COLA”) can also be programmed as a
summer input. A signal connected to this input is summed with the
internal source output to create the final output.
External Shutdown
Shorting the center pin of the shutdown connector to its shield causes the
source to ramp down and shut off.
HP E1433A User's Guide
The Arbitrary Source Option