
station name
Refers to the name (company name or alphabetic characters) used to identify a fax station. Both the sending
and receiving fax stations use station names for identification purposes.
station number
Refers to the telephone number of a fax machine (usually referring to the receiving station or machine being
Abbreviation for the word standard. Refers to the resolution setting used for typical text documents.
A control-panel button that stops the current activity and returns the machine to standby mode.
Means to save or retain a file in memory until used. See also SAVE.
stored documents
Documents that have been received or copied into a fax machine’s memory.
substitute reception (Abbreviation is substitute RCV)
Refers to the ability of the fax machine to save incoming fax calls if unable to immediately print the received
fax due to an out of paper or ink condition. If fax parameter 17 is set to Valid in the HP FAX-200 and FAX-310,
the machine will store the message if the machine has run out of paper or ink. If fax parameter 22 is set to
Valid in the HP FAX-900 and FAX-950, the machine will store the message if the machine has run out of
paper or ink. The message can be printed after correcting the condition. If set to Invalid, the fax call is not
answered if out of paper or ink.
Telephone Answering Machine.
A term used for Telephone Answering Machine Interface. The user can set the fax machine for TAM I/F
through fax parameter 16. Used for unattended operating mode.
Transmit Confirm.
An abbreviation for the word telephone.
telephone mode
See manual reception mode.
*CCITT signal for Group 3 transmission. For more information, see Group 3 standards documentation.