
deferred transmission DEFF (abbreviation)
Refers to the deferral or time-delay of a transmission. Users can defer transmissions to a later time in order
to benefit from less expensive night-time phone rates or adjust for time zone differences.
A control-panel button that lets you initiate dialing of a telephone number, enter a space in the message win-
dow, or initiate a voice contact request.
The process of converting a hard copy image to a binary representative of ones and zeroes.
Refers to the fax station being called or transmitted to.
dialing method
Refers to a user selectable means of dialing a phone number (direct dialing, one-touch dialing, speed dialing,
dialing mode
Refers to a mechanical method of dialing (pulse or tone). Pulse dialing is also known as rotary dialing where
electro-mechanical pulses denote the dialed digits versus an audible tone signal.
direct dialing
A method of dialing in which you press the [Dial/Space] button and manually dial a telephone number on
the numeric keypad.
directory cover
A plastic cover over the directory sheet on the control panel.
Directory Sheet
Refers to a printed listing of information, such as the one-touch directory.
Digital Identification Signal.
Refers to the entire message that is to be transmitted, copied, or received.
document end feed
The distance a page travels in the scanner once the scanner sensor detects the end of the page.
document IN tray
A tray that attaches to the fax to support the original document.
*CCITT signal for Group 3 transmission. For more information, see Group 3 standards documentation.