HP P4459A 8-Port Fibre Loop Switch Installation & Opeartion Guide
Full Duplex Communications
A pair of nodes able to both simultaneously send and receive data between each
other for an aggregate of 2 Gbps, effectively doubling the communications rate
between the two nodes.
The smallest unit of information carrying user data and protected by Fibre Channel
error control and recovery. Up to 2112 bytes per frame can be transported.
Gigabit Interface Converter. It is a connector that offers flexible choice of media
and transmission technology.
One billion bits or one thousand megabits. It is generally used to refer to bandwidth.
Host Bus Adapter is a card that connects FC peripherals and server host buses such
as PCI and others. It also requires a device driver.
A central connecting device in a network that joins communication lines into a star
In band
“In bandwidth.” Using the same bandwidth (wires or data channel) for signaling as
for data transmission.
Internet Protocol. A protocol designed for use in interconnected systems of packet
Unwanted variations in the frequency or phase of a digital or analog signal due to
varying time delays in the circuit paths from component to component in the signal
path. Jitter can cause errors and data corruption.
Local Area Network. A communications system whose geography covers less than
5 kilometers. Transmissions within it are mostly digital, carrying data among
stations at rates usually above 1 Mbit/sec.
The time delay of data traffic through a network or a switch.