Chapter 2: Preparing to Take Pictures 11 Using the Status LCD
Setting the Timer Mode
Note: The 10-Second Timer mode is disabled
for the Timelapse image type. (See “Setting the
Image Type” on page 13.)
Your camera has three timer modes. The default timer mode is Off. Each mode is displayed on the
status LCD with the icon shown in Table 3. To set the timer mode, press the timer mode button
beneath the status LCD to toggle through the icons on the status LCD until you see the timer setting
you want (see Table 3).
Note: After each timed exposure in 10-Second
Timer mode, the camera will default to the Off
timer mode setting. You must reset the timer to
take another timed picture. In contrast, the
3-Second Remote timer mode setting remains
set shot-to-shot.
Table 3: Timer Mode Settings
Note: The auto focus range remains set
between shots, but returns to Normal after you
cycle the power on the camera (power it off and
then on again).
If you change the focus mode from Auto to
Manual Focus in the Photo Assist menu (see
“Using the Capture Mode Menus” on page 15),
the auto focus range is cancelled.
If you set the camera to the Macro auto focus
range, the image LCD will turn on. This is
because you will be unable to frame an image
properly in the viewfinder due to parallax error.
Finally, if the camera cannot focus when set to
the Normal auto focus range, it will make a
“best guess” at the focus and take the picture.
However, if it cannot focus when set to Macro, it
will not take a picture.
Setting the Auto Focus Range
You can choose from three auto focus ranges that are available via the status LCD. The default auto
focus range is Normal. Each range setting is displayed on the status LCD with the icon shown in
Table 4. To set the auto focus range, press the auto focus range button beneath the status LCD
to toggle through the icons on the status LCD until you see the setting you want (see Table 4).
Table 4: Auto Focus Range Settings
Timer Mode Icon Displayed When to Use
Off (default) No Icon To take pictures without using the timer.
10-Second Timer To take a picture 10 seconds after
pressing the shutter release button.
3-Second Remote To use the remote infrared trigger on the
HP Remote Control (included with the
camera), which has a 3-second delay.
Auto Focus Range Icon Displayed When to Use
Normal (default) No Icon To take a picture of a subject that is within the normal
focus range (neither close-up nor in the distance).
The focus range is set from 0.5 meters to infinity.
Macro To take a close-up picture of a subject, such as a flower.
The focus range is set from 0.1 to 0.6 meters.
Infinity To take a picture of a subject in the distance, such as a
mountain range. The focus range is set at infinity.