
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting and support 87
Puerto Rico 1 877 232 0589
Romania +40 1 315 44 42 (or local 01 3154442)
Russian Federation +7 095 797 3520 (Moscow)
+7 812 346 7997 (St. Petersburg)
Saudi Arabia 800 897 14440
Singapore +65 6272 5300
Slovakia +421 2 6820 8080
South Africa 086 000 1030 (RSA)
+27-11 258 9301 (outside RSA)
Spain +34 902 321 123
Sweden +46 (0)8 619 2170
Switzerland +41 (0)848 80 11 11
Taiwan 0800 010055
Thailand +66 (2) 661 4000
Tunisia +216 1 891 222
Turkey +90 216 579 71 71
Ukraine +7 (380 44) 490-3520
United Arab Emirates 971 4 883 8454
United Kingdom (UK) 0870 010 43 20 (national rate) for
assistance in installing product (first 30 days) or with faulty
product during the full warranty period
0906 470 08 70 (60p/minute) for assistance in solving
software or usage problems
Venezuela 0 800 4746 8368
Viet Nam +84 (0) 8 823 4530