Chapter 2: Taking Pictures and Recording Video Clips 61
1 In the Image Quality sub-menu
(page 58), select the Custom...
2 Use the buttons to move
between the Resolution and
Compression options.
3 Use the buttons to change the
Resolution or Compression setting. The following tables help
explain these settings.
NOTE At higher compression levels, image quality is reduced.
4 Press Menu/OK to save the custom Image Quality setting
and return to the Capture Menu.
The custom Image Quality setting will appear in the Live View
screen. The custom setting remains in effect until it is changes
again, even when you turn the camera off.
Resolution Settings
5MP—Full resolution; therefore, highest quality
3MP—3MP (medium) resolution
1MP—1MP (low) resolution
VGA—640 by 480 (lowest) resolution; lowest quality
Compression Settings
—Highest compression; most memory-efficient, and
minimum quality
—Medium compression
—Low compression
—Little to no compression; least memory-efficient,
and maximum quality