
HP PrecisionScan Pro User’s Guide 98
Saving scanned images Book Contents Index
Drag-and-drop to the Desktop
1 In the scanning software window, position the
pointer inside the selection area.
The pointer changes to .
2 Hold the Ctrl key down, press the left mouse
button, then drag the selection area to the
Desktop or to a folder in the Windows Explorer.
The pointer changes to .
3 Release the mouse button.
A final scan of the image is performed.
A bitmap file named
Scan.bmp is created on the
Desktop or in the folder in the Windows Explorer.
You can create a bitmap file of the image in
the selection area by dragging the selection
area to the
Desktop or to a folder in the
The file name for each new bitmap file after
the first one created this way includes a
number in parentheses.
Be sure to keep the original in the same
place on the scanner glass until the final
scan of the image is completed.
If you are running Internet Explorer, only
one bitmap file named
Scan.bmp can exist
in a folder.
Rename the Scan.bmp file with a name
that reflects what image is in the file.