2 Mapping SAM with HP SMH
This chapter describes the steps to reach the point in the application where you can perform the
respective administration task. This chapter is organized in to sections based on the functional
areas. For every functional area a table outlines the steps for SAM GUI, HP SMH GUI, and HP
How to read the tables in this chapter
For every functional area a table presents high-level steps to reach the page where you can
perform the administration task. The table has four columns. Following is a description of what
information each column presents:
• Task: This is the name of the task.
• Using SAM: This column explains how to reach the window where you can perform the
task in the SAM application.
• Using HP SMH GUI: This column provides a shortened version of the steps to reach the
web page where you can perform the same task in the web-based graphical user interface
(GUI) of HP SMH.
• Using HP SMH GUI: This column provides a shortened version of the steps to reach the
window where you can perform the same task in the text user interface (TUI) of HP SMH.
Here's an example of how the navigation is described for a task.
Table 2-1 Mapping SAM with HP SMH: An Example
u > l > a
1. Tools
2. Accounts for Users and Groups
3. Configure Local Users
4. Local Users
5. Add User Account
1. SAM Areas
2. Accounts for Users
and Groups
3. Users
4. Actions
5. Add
Adding a local user
Here, the task is Adding a local user account.
The column Using SAM describes in short how to navigate in SAM to reach the window where
you can add a local user account.
The column Using HP SMH GUI provides a shortened version of the steps to navigate in the
web-based user interface of HP SMH to reach the web page where you can add a local user
account. The steps must be read as follows: Click Tools in the SMH home page. Then, in the
Tools page that appears, click Accounts for Users and Groups. In the Accounts for Users and
Groups page, click Configure Local Users. In the page that appears, click Local Users and then
click Add User Account.
The column Using HP SMH TUI provides a shortened version of the steps to navigate in the
text/terminal user interface of HP SMH to reach the window where you can add a local user
account. The steps must be read as follows: At the command prompt, enter the smh command.
The SMH TUI opens. In the list of applications that is displayed select the Accounts for Users
and Groups by pressing the u key. In the window that appears, select Local Users by pressing
the l key. Then, select Add Local User by pressing the a key.
This chapter addresses the following topics:
• “Accounts for Users and Groups (ugweb)” (page 15)
• “Auditing and Security Configuration (secweb)” (page 20)
• “Disks and File Systems Configuration (fsweb)” (page 23)
• “Kernel Configuration (kcweb)” (page 32)