Alert messages 106
Alarm text Description
Manual Load Dumped The load power is off. This alarm is used to record the date and time of an
EPO event.
On Battery The UPS is using the battery to power the load.
On Boost The UPS detected a low input condition and is increasing input voltage to a
nominal level.
On Buck The UPS detected a high input condition and is reducing input voltage to a
nominal level.
Output Out of Range
• Measured output voltage has exceeded the upper voltage limit
specification for normal operation.
• Measured output voltage is less than the lower voltage limit specification
for normal operation.
• Measured output frequency is outside the upper or lower frequency limit
specification for normal operation.
• Overload alarms are sent based on the individual UPS model overload
protection specifications that are available in the UPS documentation.
• The load on the UPS output phase exceeds its rated current or power by
more than a small margin over 100%. The inverter can only sustain this
overload for a short time without shutting down because of overheating.
Remote Agent Not
A Remote Agent is not communicating with the management module to
which it is associated.
Shutdown Imminent The UPS has entered a state where it might abruptly shut down without
further notice. It might continue to operate indefinitely, even with this alarm
being issued.
Shutdown Pending A condition in the UPS will lead to the loss of power to the loads in less than
the Low Battery Time, unless the condition is cleared or removed.
Site Wiring Fault There is a fault in the input wiring, other than Phase Rotation (for example,
Ground/Neutral reversed).
Temperature Out of
• An ambient temperature probe has detected that the temperature is
above its upper limit.
• A heatsink at an unspecified location in the UPS has failed.
• An input or output transformer used by the UPS has exceeded its upper
temperature limit.
UPS Not Connected The management module is unable to communicate with the UPS.
UPS Started On Battery The UPS has been started on battery when AC input power is not present.
This alarm is used to record the date and time of this event.