Chapter 2 | Getting started | 17
If your HP Jornada freezes during operation, you may need to perform a soft reset. To
reset, use the stylus to press the reset button located on the left side of the HP Jornada
keyboard. Your HP Jornada will restart automatically. Unsaved data in any open
documents will be lost. For more information, see the Resetting section in chapter 8.
Calibrating the touch screen
Before you can use the stylus to navigate, you must calibrate the touch
screen to align the image on the screen with the touch-sensitive coating. The
first screen of the Welcome Wizard prompts you to calibrate the touch screen
by tapping a series of targets at different locations on the screen.
From time to time, you might notice that the accuracy of your stylus tap
diminishes. When this happens, you can return to this screen to calibrate
your touch screen.
To calibrate the touch screen
1. On the Start menu, point to Settings, tap Control Panel, and then
double-tap the Stylus icon.
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You can also use the Stylus control panel to set options for double-tap rate
and physical distance between taps.