
supply (UPS) using any power conditioner or UPS. Redundant power
distribution units (PDU’s) are strongly recommended.
System software:
Navigator version L.18.00 or later
Operating System Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0, Enterprise Edition
Service pack SP6A or later
Model HP NetServer LC 2000
Clock speed 533, 600, 667, 733, 800, 933, 1000 MHz
No. of CPUs 2
BIOS version 4.06.20 PV or later (533, 600, 733 MHz)
4.06.23 PV or later (800, 933 MHz)
4.06.25 PV or later (1000 MHz)
CPU cache Any size
RAM 128 MB minimum. Must be HP.
No. of power supplies 1 standard, 2 required for redundancy
Local storage See Local Storage below.
I/O slots Added cards may be installed in any appropriate slot, keeping in mind the
server’s default boot order as listed below:
Default Boot Order IDE CD-ROM, FDD, SCSI A, SCSI B, PCI-1, PCI-2, PCI-3, PCI-4,
PCI64-5, PCI64-6
M/S Certified
M/S Certified Configuration:
P1 - Local storage (NetRAID-1Si)
P3 - Client LAN (D5013B)
P5 - Shared Storage (NetRAID-3Si)
Booted from embedded SCSI in tests up to 1000 MHz.
Booted from NetRAID-1Si in 1000 MHz certification
Controller May use embedded SCSI, NetRAID-1Si, or NetRAID-3Si.
Driver For embedded SCSI, use sym_hi.sys version 4.12 or later
For NetRAID-xSi, use mraidnt.sys version 2.24
Cabinets (Physical drive
SPU internal drive bays or HP external drive cabinet (e.g., HP Rack
Storage/12), any number.
Disk drives Must be HP (hot swap or fixed)
SCSI bus Any HP cables that meet SCSI specifications and any SCSI bus speed.
SCSI Ids Any
Model HP NetRAID-3Si Adapter D5955A
No. of controllers 1
Firmware W.01.30
BIOS B.02.02
Driver Mraidnt.sys 2.24
NetRAID Assistant A.01.15 or later