HP LTO Ultrium 4 drives technical reference manual, volume 2: software integration 49
HP restricted
Invalid firmware upgrade cartridge
If a firmware upgrade cartridge with an invalid firmware image is loaded, and neither the library
controller nor the host knows that the cartridge is a firmware upgrade cartridge, again what occurs
depends on the Upgrade Protect bit in the Set Drive Configuration command.
Frequently asked questions
ACI protocol allows activities of the drive to be co-ordinated within a library. It provides several
modes for operating HP Ultrium drives within tape libraries. In addition, the Cartridge Memory can,
at the very minimum, provide an ‘electronic barcode’ facility to allow media tracking. HP is working
with all the major tape library vendors to ensure that the full potential of these features are realized,
and recognizes that ISV software support is a key part of this process. In advance of the release of
the HP Ultrium Automation Cookbook, here are answers to some frequently asked questions:
Is there separate firmware for drives intended to go into libraries?
Specific variants of the firmware for automation drives enable the automation interface, which is not
enabled in standalone drives. Otherwise the code is similar. A variant can only be downloaded if it
matches the variant in the drive.
The tape drive tells the automation controller that a cleaning tape needs to be used through two bits
in the ACI Get Drive Status command. The Cleaning Needed bit indicates deterioration in the write
or read margin of the drive and hence it is recommended that a cleaning cartridge is inserted into
the drive at the earliest opportunity. Following a successful clean, the Cleaning Needed bit will be
cleared. The Cleaning Required bit indicates that the drive is unable to read or write unless the drive
is first cleaned with a cleaning tape. It is recommended that a cleaning cartridge is loaded into the
drive immediately. Following a successful clean, the Cleaning Required bit will be cleared.
Under normal circumstances, cleaning cartridges can be used for 50 cleanings.
Upgrade Protect = 1 If the Upgrade Protect bit in the Set Drive Configuration command is set to 1,
it is assumed that the Upgrade bit in the Load command will be zero and no
firmware upgrade will be performed on the drive. The cartridge will be
placed at the ready-to-eject position with the Cartridge Present, Write
Protect, Ready Eject, Ready Load, Media Error, and TapeAlert bits set to 1,
Cartridge Type = ‘Firmware Upgrade’, and Tape Activity = ‘Idle’. TapeAlert
flag 10h will be set.
Upgrade Protect = 0 If the Upgrade Protect bit in the Set Drive Configuration command is set to 0,
the firmware upgrade process will start and the drive will thread the tape
and read the image. During this time, the drive will report Tape Activity =
“Code Update in Progress”. When the image has been read the drive will
check whether the image is valid. As in this case the image is not valid, the
drive will place the drive at the ready-to-eject position with the Cartridge
Present, Write Protect, Ready Eject, Ready Load, Media Error, and TapeAlert
bits set to 1, Cartridge Type = ‘Firmware Upgrade’, and Tape Activity =
‘Idle’. TapeAlert flags 10h and 22h will be set. The drive will not send out an
ENQ byte and will not reset.