114 USING THE M208’S COMMAND SET: npsh Command Set
set prn xtab <
Sets the tabstop width. INT is an integer within the range 1 to 16.
set prn fastmode -ackmode
sets PRN to high performance mode and to not use the ACK handshake.
See also: list prn on page 100.
set rprinter
set rprinter add
pservername printernumber destname
Initiate a connection to a Novell PSERVER so that the M208 can act as a
remote printer. A non-M208 PSERVER must be pre-configured to recognize a
remote printer.
pservername Name of the PSERVER to connect to.
printernumber Number of the printer as defined in the PSERVER display.
destname Destination name on the M208.
set rprinter del
pservername printernumber
Disable a remote printer connection.
See also: Host Configuration on page 65 and list rprinter on page 101.
set sysinfo
set sysinfo contact [
Set a person to contact in case of system trouble. If contactstring is not
included in the syntax, the field is emptied.
set sysinfo descramblekey
Set the key value used for descrambling print jobs from TCP/IP hosts. This
key is a four digit hexadecimal value obtained from the host software,
npscramble. Within the npscramble.c source code, there is a variable called
SR_KEY which contains the default key value. This can be changed to any