
14 HP ProLiant ML310 Generation 3 Server User Guide
Item LED description Status
5 DIMM 1 failure Off = Normal
Amber = DIMM 1 has failed or is missing
6 Processor fault Off = Normal
Amber = A multibit error has occurred
7 Processor fan failure Off = Normal
Amber = Processor fan has failed or is
8 AC Power Off = One of the following conditions exists:
No AC power
Power supply bad
Power supply in standby
Power supply exceeded current limits
Green = Power OK
9 System power Off = System power off
Green = system power on
10 System temperature
Off = Normal
Amber = System temperature has exceeded
OS cautionary level
11 Single bit error Off = Normal
Amber = Single bit error limit has been
12 System fan failure Off = Normal
Amber = System fan has failed or is missing
System LEDs and internal health LED combinations
When the internal health LED on the front panel illuminates either amber or red,
the server is experiencing a health event. Combinations of illuminated system
LEDs and the internal health LED indicate system status.