hp ProLiant ML570
Generation 2 (G2)
DA-11421 World Wide — Version 2 — November 19, 2002 9
Processor (1) Intel Xeon Processors MP 2.0 GHz standard (up to four supported)
ML570T02 X2.0GHz-2M,
512MB (1P)
Cache Memory 2-MB Integrated Level 3 Cache
512 MB PC1600 registered ECC SDRAM (Standard) to 32 GB (Maximum)
(2x1 interleaved memory and Advanced Memory Protection Technology)
Note: Second memory board would be required to configure up to 32 GB or
maximum memory using 2 GB DIMMs.
Network Controller
Integrated Compaq NC3163 Fast Ethernet NIC PCI 10/100 with full WOL (Wake
On LAN) and PXE support
Storage Controller Integrated Dual Channel Wide Ultra3 SCSI Adapter (Ultra 4 compatible)
Hard Drives
None ship standard
Internal Storage 1.019 TB maximum (with optional hard drives and drive cage)
Power Supplies
Two standard with optional third Power supplies for redundancy
Optical Drive 48x IDE CD-ROM Drive
Form Factor Tower (7U)
(1) Intel Xeon Processors MP 1.40 GHz standard (up to four supported)
ML570T01 X1400-512MB,
512MB (1P)
Cache Memory
512-KB Integrated Level 3 Cache
180320-xx1 Memory
512 MB PC1600 registered ECC SDRAM (Standard) to 32 GB (Maximum)
(2x1 interleaved memory and Advanced Memory Protection Technology)
Note: Second memory board would be required to configure up to 32 GB or
maximum memory using 2 GB DIMMs.
Network Controller
Integrated Compaq NC3163 Fast Ethernet NIC PCI 10/100 with full WOL (Wake
On LAN) and PXE support
Storage Controller
Integrated Dual Channel Wide Ultra3 SCSI Adapter (Ultra 4 compatible)
Internal Storage
1.019 TB maximum (with optional hard drives and drive cage)
Power Supplies
Two standard with optional third Power supplies for redundancy
Optical Drive
48x IDE CD-ROM Drive
Form Factor
Tower (7U)
Country Code Key
XX=00 U.S. English
XX=02 Int’l
XX=03 UK
XX=29 Japan
XX=42 Europe