Printer Port - (LPT.COM)
This test requires a parallel loopback connector to be connected to the
parallel port.
The Printer Port test checks the data port by writing and reading different bytes 1000 times. The
loopback connector is tested by toggling data bits 0 and 1 and seeing if the PE bit gets set.
Finally, all of the loopback connections are tested.
DOS Parameter Explanation
Valid Keystrokes Action
n/a The Printer Port test ignores the keyboard.
Failure Message Error Code Meaning
User Aborted 1 User aborted test.
No loopback 3 Initial check for loopback
connector failed.
No loopback 4 Data port test failed.
No loopback 5 Loopback connector test
Hard Disk - (HDC.EXE)
The Hard Disk test verifies the presence of a hard disk, then reads/writes to the sectors. Within
the user interface of Diag, pressing the Enter key invokes a short test. The short test check 1%
of the cylinders and takes about a minute to complete. Pressing Ctrl-Enter runs the long test.
This checks 100% of the cylinders and takes about 1.5 hours to complete.
DOS Parameter Explanation
1, none Only test 1% of the cylinders
N Test N% of the cylinders
Valid Keystrokes Action
Esc Aborts the test, all other keys flushed.
Failure Message Error Code Meaning
User Aborted 1 Esc key pressed, or bad hard
Failed 2 No hard disk
Failed 3 Hard drive controller failed.