System Menu
The system menu of the SCU provides an interface to modify several system settings. See
Figure 13 for an example of the system menu. An explanation of each system setting and the
corresponding options are provided in Table 8.
Table 8 - System Menu Settings
Setting Parameters Default Comment
Date and Time… Day; Month; Year;
Hour; Minute; Second
Boot Devices…
Boot Device FDD First; HDD First FDD First Booting from HDD first is useful
for protecting a computer from
becoming infected by a boot-
sector virus.
Boot Configuration Full; Boot devices only;
Auto-Detect Full configures all PnP devices;
Boot devices only is used with
Win95; Auto-detect will configure
for the loaded OS.
Fast Boot Selected; not selected Not selected Fast Boot skips RAM test.
Selected; not selected. Not selected. Note, this requires changing the
config.sys file. In Windows 3.11
enabling SCSI BIOS maximizes
available memory when a hard
disk drive is the only SCSI device.
Enable boot sector
virus check
Selected; not selected. Selected. Displays message during boot if
hard disk sector 0 (partition sector)
For the OmniBook 5500, this requires BIOS version 2.12 or later
Figure 13 - System Menu Screen