Accessing Hub Features
Accessing Hub Features
Configuring Your Device
Configuring IP
Select the way that you want IP addresses configured for your network:
■ Manual - Set the IP address through the console.
■ Disabled - IP is disabled, there is no access to management or telnet. Not
■ Use Bootp - The Bootp protocol sets the IP address automatically.
Hub IP Configuration
If you select Manual, you must then enter an IP Address, Subnet Mask,
Default Gateway, and Time to Live for the device. If you select Bootp/DHCP,
the IP address will be assigned automatically.
Switching Hub IP Configuration
For the switching hubs, you must select a segment to configure before you
select Manual or Bootp/DHCP. If you select Manual, you must then enter an
IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, and Time to Live for the device.
If you select Bootp/DHCP, the IP address will be assigned automatically.
Characteristics of Bootp and DCHP. The Bootp protocol is designed for
a network in which each host has a permanent network connection. It is not
adaptable to a mobile computing environment.
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) manages the allocation
of TCP/IP configuration information by automatically assigning IP
addresses.When a device connects to the network, it requests an address
from the DHCP server. In dynamic mode, the address is used by the device
for a specified period of time. The time period depends on the situation; one
device may only need the address for an hour, while another device may use
the same address for several days. DHCP is more suitable in environments
where the number of IP addresses needed exceeds the number available. It
also allows a device to obtain its configuration information, such as the IP
Address and Subnet Mask, in one message, reducing the demand on the
A static IP address is a unique address that is assigned to one client only.
Static addresses are used for an extended time period.