8. Remove the blank filler panels before Installing disk drives into the slots.
9. To ensure proper thermal control, install blank filler panels into any empty slots.
Guidelines for Installing Disk Drives in Disk Enclosures
This section provides information about the requirements and installation order for disk drives in
SFF and LFF drive enclosures.
Only 2.5 inch drives can be installed in HP M6710 (2U) and M6720 (4U) controller node and
drive enclosures. The 3.5 inch drives can be installed only in 4U M6720 drive enclosures.
For all drive enclosures, the slots should be balanced. For example, if two drives are added to
DP-1, two drives should be added to a drive enclosure attached to DP-2. Drives should be added
so that all enclosures are balanced with an even number of drives in each enclosure.
For all drive enclosures, the proper system temperature must be maintained. To ensure proper
thermal control, blank filler panels must be installed in any slots without drives.
Guidelines for Allocating and Loading Order (2.5 inch SFF disk drive)
For a node or M6710 Drive Enclosure, drives must be added in identical pairs, starting from slot
0 on the left and filling to the right, leaving no empty slots between drives. The best practice when
upgrading or building a system is to add the same number of identical drives to every drive
enclosure in the system, with a minimum of three disk drive pairs in each drive enclosure.
Figure 22 HP M6710 Drive Enclosure (2U24) Disk Drive Placement Order
Guidelines for Allocating and Loading Order (3.5 inch Large Form Factor
(LFF) disk drive)
Columns of drives in an HP M6720 Drive Enclosure must be of the same device type (NL or SSD).
NL disk drives and SSDs must not be mixed in the same column. For an HP M6720 Drive Enclosure,
drives must be installed in identical pairs, starting from the slot at the bottom of the left column and
filling up with drives of the same type, leaving no empty slots between drives in the column. Populate
drives in the columns from bottom to top and from left to right.
The best practice when upgrading or building a system is to add the same number of identical
drives to every HP M6720 Drive Enclosure in the system, with a minimum of two drives added to
each LFF chassis. The minimum supported upgrade for a 7400 with one or more expansion HP
M6720 Drive Enclosures is two identical drives added to adjacent slots in the same column of the
same chassis. If there are more than one expansion enclosure in the system, add the drives in pairs
so they are balanced across the device ports, and then added to enclosures on the same port.
The LFF drives added to the HP M6720 Drive Enclosure on each node pair should be balanced
across node pairs, then across device ports on each node pair, and finally by enclosures on the
same port.
24 Installing Storage System Components into a Rack