
RC3000 Antenna Controller Chapter 4 Troubleshooting
When a manual jog key is released, the axis continues moving for about 5 seconds. This condition
is indicative of a drive relay failure inside the RC3000. The RC3000 has a “safety” relay in series with the
normal drive relays that opens 5 seconds after any commanded movement is stopped.
4.3 Automatic Movements
The mount does not go below the elevation DOWN limit when stowing. To proceed below the
DOWN limit, the azimuth stow limit must be active. The RC3000 drives to the azimuth stow position and
checks to confirm that the azimuth stow switch is active. If the azimuth stow limit is not active, the
controller will make several attempts to find the stow switch in the immediate vicinity.
If the azimuth stow switch is not sensed in the correct position, check that the limit switch is working
properly. There is also the possibility that the azimuth potentiometer has slipped causing the sensed
stow position not to be in the same place the stow switch is active.
On some mounts, the polarization stow switch must also be active before movement below the DOWN
limit may occur.
When stowing, the mount reaches the elevation stow position but the elevation motor continues
to run. The stow routine does not stop until the elevation stow switch has been activated. If the
elevation stow switch is faulty, the controller will continue to drive down. The RC3000 does implement a
5 minute “timeout” of the elevation axis drive in an attempt to prevent elevation motor “meltdown”.
The mount begins an automatic movement (stow, deploy, etc.) but generates an “axis jammed”
error. All automatic movements move to a “target” location. If far enough away from the target, the move
will initially be done in the FAST speed for the axis and then switch to SLOW when close to the target. If
the SLOW speed has been set too low, the axis may jam. Attempt to move the axis in SLOW speed from
the MANAUL mode to duplicate the situation. If SLOW speed seems to be the problem, adjust the drive
voltage up as discussed in 2.3.5.
4.4 GPS
The interface between the RC3000 and the optional GPS receiver is via an RS-232 serial port. The data
stream from the GPS receiver is parsed in multiple places in order to receive latitude, longitude and time
data. The following messages may be displayed when the RC3000 is attempting to receive data from the
** NO GPS PRESENT **. This message indicates that the gps_present item in the System Components
( configuration item as been set to 0 indicating that no GPS is attached to the RC3000. No
attempt will be made to parse GPS data in this state. If a GPS is truly attached, set the gps_present item
to 1. Note that if the GPS option was not purchased with the controller, the gps_present item will not be
allowed to be set to 1.
**INITIALIZING** or STARTING GPS. This message indicates that the RC3000 has sent a command to
the GPS receiver to start communication. Normally this message should only appear momentarily until
the first response from the GPS has been received.
**GPS OFFLINE**. This message means that no data has received from the GPS. If this message
persists, troubleshooting of GPS communications as described below should be performed.
To check that communication with the GPS is occurring, move to the GPS Serial Port Diagnostics
( screen. The data on the screen should update approximately once a second. If no data is being
displayed or the GPRMC data stream described in is unrecognizable, the integrity of the cabling
between the RC3000 and the GPS receiver should be checked.