Spare part
443922-B31 Keyboard for use in the Netherlands
443922-B71 Keyboard for use in Sweden and Finland
443922-BA1 Keyboard for use in Slovenia
443922-BB1 Keyboard for use in Israel
443922-BG1 Keyboard for use in Switzerland
443922-DD1 Keyboard for use in Iceland
443922-DJ1 Keyboard for use in Greece
445853-001 Thermal Material Kit for use in Japan and Asia/Pacific countries and regions
445939-001 80-GB, 7200-rpm hard drive
446045-001 AMD Turion MK-38 2.2-GHz processor for use with HP Compaq 6515b computer models in all countries and
regions except Japan and Asia/Pacific (512 KB of L2 cache)
446870-001 Display inverter (includes 2-sided tape)
446891-001 Intel Core Duo T7100 1.8-GHz processor with 2 MB of L2 cache for use with HP Compaq 6510b computer
446892-001 Intel Core Duo T7300 2.0-GHz processor with 4 MB of L2 cache for use with HP Compaq 6510b computer
446893-001 Intel Core Duo T7500 2.2-GHz processor with 4 MB of L2 cache for use with HP Compaq 6510b computer
446894-001 Intel Core Duo T7700 2.4-GHz processor with 4 MB of L2 cache for use with HP Compaq 6510b computer
446904-001 System board for use with HP Compaq 6510b computer models without WWAN capability (does not include
WWAN module slot)
446905-001 System board for use with HP Compaq 6510b computer models with WWAN capability (includes WWAN
module slot)
446914-001 14.1-inch, WXGA display panel for use with HP Compaq 6510b computer models without WWAN capability
446915-001 14.1-inch, WXGA, BrightView display panel for use with HP Compaq 6510b computer models without WWAN
446916-001 14.1-inch, WXGA display panel for use with HP Compaq 6510b computer models with WWAN capability
446920-001 Heat sink for use with HP Compaq 6510b computer models (includes thermal material)
447203-001 Switch cover (includes power button board and cable and LED board and cable)
447204-001 Display left and right hinges
447205-001 Display bezel
448672-002 Vodafone HSPDA WWAN module
448673-002 Cingular HSPDA WWAN module
449137-001 RTC battery
449822-001 14.1-inch, WXGA display assembly for use with HP Compaq 6510b computer models without WWAN
449823-001 14.1-inch, WXGA display assembly for use with HP Compaq 6510b computer models with WWAN capability
Sequential part number listing 37