
Service Processor Commands
These are the Service Processor commands effective January 21, 1999.
Table 8 Service Processor (SP) Commands Sorted by Alphabetical Order
Function Command Definition
Config AR Configure the Automatic System Restart
Config CA Configure Asynchronous and Modem parameters
CE Log a chassis code in the GSP chassis code history buffer
Console CL Display the history of the Console
Console CO Return to Console Mode
Config DC Default configuration
Remote DI Disconnect remote or LAN console
Remote DR Disable remote or LAN console access
Remote ER Enable remote or LAN console access
Help HE Display the list of available commands
Admin IT Modify GSP inactivity timeouts
Config LC Configure LAN connected and PPP console
Paging LR Reserve Modem for Paging
Console LS Display LAN connected and PPP console status
Remote MR Modem Reset
Remote MS Display the status of the Modem
Remote PC Remote Power Control
Paging PG Configure Paging
Status PS Display the status of the Power Management Module
Admin RP Reset password configuration
Reset RS System reset through RST signal
Session SE Activate a system session on local or remote port (1 session/remote
and local console)
Status SL Display SPU status logs
Admin SO Configure security options and access control
Reset SS Display the status of the system processors
Session TC System reset through INIT signal