General Information and Specifications – 6
General Information and Specifications
General Information
This user’s manual for the SB Series Fiberoptic Switch contains complete operating
The SB Series 1xN programmable switches are designed to connect a single fiberoptic input
channel to any of N (up to 48) output channels (Figure 1). The performance, configuration,
flexibility, and portable enclosure are suitable for a wide range of applications, including
fiberoptic component testing systems, remote fiber test systems in telecommunications, and
research and development. Single-mode and multimode versions of the switches are available.
The SB Series switches are bidirectional.
Figure 1: SB Switch
The SB switch connects the input to a selected output channel. The terminations are precisely
aligned by a processor-controlled stepper motor. Collimating lenses terminate the fiberoptic
attachments, minimizing the insertion loss of the switch and improving the repeatability and
stability of its parameters.
The SB switch is equipped with IEEE 488.1 parallel and RS232 serial interfaces for remote
operation. The switch also is operated manually using the front-panel controls. The switch
status is displayed on the front-panel indicators.
The SB switch is available in single-common (SB-C) and dual-common (SB-D, SB-E, and SB-
F) configurations. The dual-common units support two (paired) fiberoptic input channels.
Single-Common (SB-C) Switch Configuration
The common input channel (C) is connected to the output channel (1). The reset position (0) of
the switch is an open circuit. This configuration is shown in Figure 2.