HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre Channel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 47
Installation instructions and documentation for SIM, RSP, OSEM, and ISEE
Software, installation instructions, release notes, and other documentation for SIM, RSP, OSEM, and ISEE
Standard Configuration are available at no charge from the following HP websites:
• For SIM at http: //www.hp.com/go/hpsim
• For RSP at http://www.hp.com/go/ServiceEssentials
• For OSEM at http://h18023.www1.hp.com/support/svctools/OSEM/index.html
• For ISEE at http://www.hp.com/hps/tech/resources/elect/isee.htm
RSP requirements for the CMS
RSP requires that the CMS be a Windows-based system with the following characteristics:
• Any HP ProLiant x86 or HP ProLiant x64 system
• 2.4-GHz processor minimum
• 3 GB RAM minimum; 4 GB RAM if more than 100 devices to be monitored
• 500 MB free disk space minimum
Operating system:
• Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, SP4 for x86
• Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server, SP4 for X86
• Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard or Enterprise Edition for x86 with SP1 (running on x86 or
x64/AMD64 platforms)
• Microsoft Windows Server 2003 for x64
• Microsoft Windows 2003 SMB, with SP1
• Microsoft Windows 2003 Server with installed Multilingual User Interface Pack (MUI)
• Microsoft Windows 2003 Server with English, French, Italian, German, Spanish and Dutch
International Server
Supported Web browsers:
• Internet Explorer, Version 6.0 and 7.0
• Mozilla, Versions 1.5, 1.6, and 1.7
• Fi re f ox, Ve rs io ns 1.0 . 2, 1. 5 , a n d 2. 0
• Java Virtual Machine plug-in for Internet Explorer
NOTE: Java plug-in is not installed by default in the Internet Explorer Web Browser for 32-bit and
x64 editions of Windows Server 2003.