Basic Configuration Tasks
Storing User Profiles
Chapter 3 41
Grouping Users by Realm
While the HP-UX AAA Server can authenticate an individual user, you
may want to authenticate and provision a group of users according to a
common criteria, like an authentication type. One method of grouping
users is according to the realm that they belong to. A realm is derived
from a user’s Network Access Identifier, for example: name@sample.com
where sample.com is the realm. Use the following steps to store user
profiles in a flat text file grouped by realm:
Step 1. Access Server Manager.
Step 2. Select the Local Realms link from the Navigation Tree and then select
the New local realm link
Step 3. In the Name field, enter the users realm.
Step 4. From the Authentication Type drop-down list, select File.
Step 5. In the DNS or filename text box, enter a name for the file that will store
the profiles. If the file does not already exist, it will automatically be
created when you save the realm definition.
NOTE You can configure different realms to save users profiles in the same file.
Step 6. Select the Create button.
Step 7. Return to the Local Realms screen to add user profiles to the realm.
Step 8. From the Local Realms screen, select the following icon for the realm
that you wish to add user profiles for:
Step 9. From the Users screen select the New User link.
Step 10. In the User Name text box, enter the name of the users profile.
Step 11. In the Password text box, enter the value to match to the value to
compare to the Password attribute value in the request.